Osx Install Python

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Install Miniconda Python¶

There is a known issue with version 3.7 of Anaconda Python and certain versions of the Mac OSX operating system. We strongly recommend that you use python 3.6 on OSX to avoid any problems. To install python 3.6, please follow the steps below:

If you have a CDH cluster, you can install the Anaconda parcel using Cloudera Manager. The Anaconda parcel provides a static installation of Anaconda, based on Python 2.7, that can be used with Python and PySpark jobs on the cluster.

  1. To get started you need to download the OSX miniconda installer.

    1. Click on the link https: https://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/Miniconda3-4.5.4-MacOSX-x86_64.sh to download the Python 3.6 installer.

    2. Wait for it to download. It will place a file called Miniconda3-4.5.4-MacOSX-x86_64.sh in your downloads folder. On my computer using Safari this is ~/Downloads

  2. Open a Terminal window. If you don't know how to do this click * Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal*

  3. Within the Terminal change directories into the folder where your downloaded file lives, i.e.

  4. Now run the bash 'shell' program to install Miniconda

  5. Scroll through the license (press the space bar to move through quickly), type ‘yes' to approve the terms, and then accept all the installation defaults.

  6. Close the Terminal program. Then, restart it.

  7. Within the Terminal type:

    1. Enter y at the Proceed prompt.

    2. When the installation completes, close the Terminal window.

  1. For most Unix systems, you must download and compile the source code. The same source code archive can also be used to build the Windows and Mac versions, and is the starting point for ports to all other platforms. Download the latest Python 3 and Python 2 source.
  2. In my case I'd be downloading Mac OS X 64-bit/32-bit installer. Once you've opened the installer, follow the instructions and Python will be installed for you. Install Python from Source. The last, and most uncommon, method is to install Python from its source code. Most people don't do this since the binaries are alreay built for them.
  3. Install Python 3 on MacOS. Historically MacOS came preinstalled with Python 2, however starting with Mac 10.15 (released in October 2019) this is no longer the case.And since Python 2 will no longer be officially supported as of January 1, 2020, you should really use Python 3 instead. There are multiple ways to install Python 3 on a MacOS computer.

Install Spyder IDE and Connect It to Miniconda Python¶

The second half of the installation is the Spyder IDE development environment. This is the software that you use to write, edit and test your Python programs. Spyder IDE calls Python to actually run the program. Spyder is included by default in the Anaconda Python distribution, which comes with everything you need to get started in an all-in-one package.

However, with Miniconda, we have to download and install Spyder IDE.

  1. Go to the Terminal window.

  2. Type the following command:

    1. This will take some time to download.

    2. When the following prompt appears:

    3. Type y, and hit enter.

  3. Once the download is finished, type the following command to know the location of Spyder:

    It is usually installed in the bin folder within miniconda3

  4. To start Spyder, go to a terminal window and enter

Detecting 64-bits versus 32-bits Mac OS X Systems¶

Google suite download. You are running 64-bit Mac OS X.

Technically, all Apple computers purchased since Q4 2006 have been equipped with 64-bit capable processors. The Mac OS X operating system has supported 64-bit by default since OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard, released in 2009. The upgrade to the latest operating system for your computer is available for free, directly from Apple, since the release of OS X 10.9 Mavericks in 2013.

If you already have Python3 installed on your Windows,OSX or Linux machine then it is easy to install Mu with Python'sbuilt-in package manager, pip.Please note: this method does not currently work on Raspberry Pi (usethese instructions instead).If you're on Windows and would rather not type commands you should use theWindows installer for Mu instead. If you're using OSX on aMac and want to use the simple drag-and-drop installer instead, you should usethe OSX installer for Mu.

Adobe flash player for mac 10 9 5 free download. We recommend you run the following commands in avirtualenvor other means of isolating your Python environment.

At your OS's command prompt (see below) type the following command:

You'll see a bunch of things downloading from the internet. These are the otherPython libraries Mu needs to work. If it's worked the final message from pipwill be something like, 'Successfully installed…' followed by a list of allthe packages upon which Mu depends.

To run Mu, still in the command prompt, type:

Press return and the editor should launch.

Depending on how your machine is set up, you may encounter errors. The most common are:

  • You don't have permission to use pip to install packages, in which case, talk to whoever administers your computer and ask them to install Mu for you (just point them to this website).
  • You're using the wrong or and old version of pip. If you have Python 2 installed on your machine, you must make sure you're using pip3. If pip complains it is out of date, follow these instructions for updating pip.
  • You can't even run pip, in which case check you have Python 3 installed and that when Python was installed, you clicked the option that asks you if you'd like Python added to your path (you do).

If you're still facing problems, perhaps try using another installation method (HINT: if you're on Windows or using OSX on a Mac, use the installer for the appropriate platform instead). As a last resort why not see if anyone can help you in the discussions.

What is a Command Prompt?

Most people use a graphical user interface (GUI) on their computer: basically,windows and icons controlled with a mouse and pointer. However, it's alsopossible to control your computer by typing commands into a prompt. Once youknow the commands, this is often the most powerful way to use a computer.However, it can feel a bit like casting spells with incomprehensibleincantations so may, at first, appear frightening.

Find your computer's command prompt depends upon which operating system you'reusing:

Osx Install Python

  • Windows: in the search area of your start menu, type cmd andpress enter.
  • Mac OSX: use the finder to go to the Applications folder and then theUtilities folder. Open the 'Terminal' app.
  • Linux: look for the 'Terminal' app in your desktop's menu.

I Want a Shortcut!

When pip installs software it doesn't automatically create a shortcut or menuitem for you. Happily, someone has created a utility called shortcut Google chrome standalone offline installer free download. to dothis for you if you've not isolated Mu in a virtualenv.

Osx Install Python


Python 2.7 Install

Simply use pip to install shortcut and then use shortcut on Mu:

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